E-Building specialists will help to successfully solve the problem of shortage of allocated power. You will not need to create additional connections and incur unnecessary financial costs.
Very often, consumers of electricity are faced with a shortage of allocated power. Are you familiar with the situation when a circuit breaker trips when a large number of electrical appliances are working at the same time? Of course, you can always order an increase in power from a service company, but this is long and expensive, and in some cases – technically impossible (we are talking about the low capacity of a power line or a weak transformer substation).
How to solve the problem of insufficient allocated power without resorting to additional costs?
Company "E-Building" offers a reliable and modern solution for a country house or cottage – accumulators. They accumulate energy during periods of network underload, and then use it to pay off peak loads.
It has been established that the amount of unused energy during the day is much more than is required to compensate for peak loads. Practical experience suggests that there is a real possibility of doubling, and sometimes even tripling, the allocated power, so it will be possible to forget about its shortage.
Principles of operation of batteries for home
The operation of the system is based on the use of inverter devices with double energy conversion. It functions like this:
- alternating current is converted to direct current, since it can only be stored in batteries in this form;
- At the output of the system, the current is converted into alternating current (230 V);
- energy is supplied to the house, compensating for peak loads.
At minimum consumption (for example, at night), the incoming power is not fully loaded, and electricity is accumulated. And when additional energy is required, the batteries give it away. At the same time, network overloads and tripping of the circuit breaker are excluded.
An important point: the quality of the received energy remains high regardless of the quality of the power supply. This is evidenced by both the amplitude and the shape of the signal. Consequently, modern solutions from "E-Building" not only help to create comfort in a country house, but also extend the life of electrical appliances.