Do you want to reduce the cost of maintenance personnel, but at the same time get efficient equipment? Order in the company "E-Building" design and installation of dispatching systems (ASUD). All engineering networks will be under automatic control and function autonomously with little or no human intervention.
An individual control scheme is developed for each industrial facility. That is why the introduction of dispatching systems will help reduce costs and ensure the safety of equipment operation at a particular enterprise. Data is constantly collected from metering devices, resource consumption is being studied, the state of engineering networks is being assessed, a billing scheme for generating payment invoices can be integrated.
Main Benefits of System Dispatch
- Cost reduction. The number of service personnel and dispatching structures is reduced. It requires less money to operate the equipment, and also increases its service life. Dispatching engineering systems helps to efficiently collect information throughout the building and about individual rooms.
- Equipment performance is improved. Any problem situations are monitored, and a prompt response to breakdowns is provided. Dispatching systems will help you set up the operation of the equipment in a gentle mode.
- Achieve usability. Management of engineering networks is carried out centrally, all data on functioning are archived. Control over the operation of devices can be carried out remotely, one dispatcher monitors several objects.
Features of system dispatching from "E-Building"
We are engaged in the design and installation of equipment from the world's leading brands Honeywell, Schneider Electric, Beckhoff, etc. During the entire service life, network elements operate efficiently and without fail. The company remotely monitors the parameters of engineering systems after dispatching, which additionally guarantees their high functionality.
Call now to find out more about the cost of preparing a project and installing a turnkey network!