Lightmer is a new word in light control
The Ebuilding company offers you a device for monitoring the consumption of electricity in the house: Smart switch "Lightmer"; ® Or Lightmer®. This device will once and for all solve the problem of non-switched off light in a house or apartment. Our device is a switch mounted in a standard frame and equipped with a timer function. You yourself can set the time to turn off the light from 5 minutes (for walk-through switches on the stairs) and up to 8 hours. (for automatically turning off the light at night.) Our company offers the device in 2 versions
evice description:
Lightmer1 is designed for effective control of light in all rooms of a residential building or industrial facility. With it, you will forget about the problem of the light on, thereby saving your time and money.
Lightmer1 consists of a switch and a set of timers mounted in standard sockets. You do not have to change switches or use devices from a particular company.
The light can be turned on and off in the usual way through the standard switch. Additionally, you can set a timer to turn off the light. Timers are programmed for each room. For example, in one room, set a delay for turning off the lights for 1 hour, in another for 2 hours. Thus, in one room the light will automatically turn off after 1 hour, in another after 2 hours. The device differs from existing timers in that standard switches are used. The timer control is mounted within existing circuit breakers. As you can see in the figure, the dimensions of the timer allow you to install it in any landing slot. Power is supplied from the standard network. You can turn off the light from the main switch through an additional controlled wire.
The cost of the device is from 5 to 10 eurs, depending on the number of rooms.
The cost of installing electrical wiring is 23-25 percent more than the traditional one.
Installation can be performed both by ordinary electricians and independently.
Device description:
Lightmer2 is an advanced version of the Lightmer1 device. It is designed for effective control of light in all rooms of a residential building or industrial facility where there is no need for the constant presence of people. Using our system, you don't have to think about whether the lights are off in the boiler room or in the toilet.
How it works.
Lightmer 2 consists of a switch and a set of timers mounted in standard sockets. You do not have to change switches or use devices from a particular company. The light can be turned on and off in the usual way through the regular switch. Additionally, you can set a timer to turn off the light. Timers are programmed for each room. For example, in one room, set a delay for turning off the lights for 1 hour, in another for 2 hours. Thus, in one room the light will automatically turn off after 1 hour, in another after 2 hours. The device differs from existing timers in that standard switches are used. The timer control is mounted within existing circuit breakers. As you can see in the figure, the dimensions of the timer allow you to install it in any landing slot. Power is supplied from the standard network. You can turn off the light from the main switch through an additional controlled wire. In addition, it is equipped with motion sensors. If there is no movement in the room for a predetermined period of time, for example, 30 minutes, the light turns off.
The device differs from existing solutions with motion sensors in that it cannot turn on the light. The light turns on in the usual way by pressing the switch. The light can only be turned off by a timer or motion sensor. It can also be turned off in the usual way by pressing the switch.

The cost of the device is from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, depending on the number of rooms. The cost of installing electrical wiring is 23-25 percent more than the traditional one. Installation can be performed both by ordinary electricians and independently.
The problem with the lights on
Have you thought about how much you spend on leaving the lights on in your house? Energy consulting company research for 20 years13 year. show that the owners of apartments and private houses overpay up to 18% of the cost of the electricity bill due to unnecessary lighting. Also, due to inefficient methods for calculating the sufficient level of lighting (in overwhelming cases, such calculations are not carried out at all), monetary losses make up a significant part of the monthly electricity bills, which, for example, in suburban households in the Moscow region can amount to several thousand rubles. Not to mention the fact that the light is often just annoying and inconvenient.
This problem is not purely Russian. As an example, we can quote the famous sportsman, actor and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger from his book "Total Recall":
Every morning, before taking the children to school, I would make sure all the lights were off, the beds made, and all cupboards and drawers closed. True, a little disorder in the room and on the table was tolerated; here I was not as strict as my father. However, the beds had to be made. I did not demand an ideal order, as in the army. But I didn't want the kids to get used to having someone else clean up after them. The hardest thing I had to fight was to teach the children to turn off the light when they left the room or went to bed. Here I stood alone against the entire Shriver clan, as the children had adopted the habit of keeping the lights on from their mother. When we first met Maria, she always went to bed with the light on. It was the only way she felt safe. Later, when we were visiting Washington or Hyannis Port and I returned late, when everyone was asleep, the front door was unlocked and the lights were on throughout the house. This I never understood. It seemed like complete madness to me. The next morning, the excuse offered was something along the lines of, "Oh, we knew you'd be home late, and we wanted to please you, so we didn't put out the lights." But even if I was already at home and went downstairs in the middle of the night, there was a light on. Lights shone throughout the house, like in Times Square. I explained to the children that there was not enough electricity, and there were problems with water in our state. You can't stand in the shower for fifteen minutes. Five minutes – this is the limit. I started timing. And you need to make sure that you turn off the light, because if there is no one in the room, no one needs it anymore. Until now, my daughters do not go to bed without leaving a light on in the corridor. In the end, I had to come to terms with the fact that they were more comfortable that way. As for the question of turning off the light when no one was in the room, my father would have solved it with a good slap, but Maria and I did not beat our children. When persuasion fails, our method is to deprive children of something pleasant: no games, house arrest, no cars. However, punishments of this kind seemed too severe for such offenses as unextinguished light. The biggest offender was one of the boys, so I ended up unscrewing one bulb at a time, finding a light in the room, and if this went on, the boy soon found himself in total darkness. This happened several times, and in the end my "crusade" brought results. Now that we're all at home, I don't have to turn off the lights behind the kids more than a couple of times a week."
- No visible additional buttons on the switch (aesthetic)
- The ability to automatically turn off the light by motion sensor
- Standard mounting dimensions
- Connect any number of rooms. There is only one control device in the rest of the rooms there are only switches off with a timer. The more rooms, the better!
Technical features and cost
Both switches can be easily installed in new builds or renovations as an additional control wire needs to be run.
The cost of the device is about 5000 rubles. The more rooms you provide with a timer, the more profitable the cost of the device will be. For the operation of the device, it is necessary to lay 1 additional control cable to each switch. Laying an additional cable will not lead to a significant increase in the cost of the project.
Currently, the Lightmer3 device with wireless signal transmission from the timer is being developed.
Installation does not require additional knowledge and skills.
If you are interested in our device, you can call our office or leave a request on the website through the form feedback.